Spring Senior Design Expo

The Spring Senior Design Expo for 2018, held at the end of the semester on April 26, was a rousing success. Senior Design students began the day showcasing their projects in the NEB Lobby at 11:00, while students, faculty, and interested onlookers explored. Among the onlookers were the ECE External Advisory Board, who were on campus as part of their annual visit with Dean Cammy Abernathy, ECE Chair John Harris, and ECE faculty and students.

The advisory board, along with ECE Chair Dr. John Harris, ranked the five best projects which competed for first place (as well as some scholarship money). The results were as follows:

Ranking Project Students
First Place MIDI Note Transcriber/ Harmonizer Daniel Gonzalez
Tyler Tucker
Second Place Motion-Controlled Guitar Effects Processor Cody Rigby
Nick Landy
Third Place Space Invaders FPGA/MSP432 Game Bronson Davis
Abdelali Nouina
Fourth Place Modular Synthesizer Chord generator Arun Katikala
Matt Marder

Fifth Place iGuitar Mihael Cudic
Clay Uhing
Fifth Place (tie) Hand-Tracking Robot Arm Song Kai
Mao Yikai
Texas Instruments Analog Award Portable EKG Jessica Sabin
Julie Silvers