Congratulations are due to Michael Fang and his many co-authors for the recent selection of their paper as TCGCC Best Journal Paper Award by the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing (TCGCC). “An Energy-Efficient Strategy for Secondary Users in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks for Green Communications” was co-authored by: Mike Fang, his currently advisees Jianqing Liu and Haichuan Ding, his former PhD student Hao Yue (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, San Francisco State University), his former visitor Ying Cai (Professor, School of Computer, Beijing Information Science & Technology University,China), and his long-time collaborator Shigang Chen (Professor, Department of Computer & Information of Science & Engineering, University of Florida).
The award was presented during the TCGCC meeting at the annual IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) held May 20-24 in Kansas City, Missouri. The award recognizes the significant contributions to green communications and computing published in IEEE journals.