Dr. Yuguang “Michael” Fang, Professor from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has received the 2018 IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Outstanding Service Award for his exceptional service to the society’s flagship journal, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, as the Editor-in-Chief from 2013 to 2017. The award was presented at the society’s conference, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, held in Chicago, Aug. 27-30.
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Outstanding Service Award recognizes those making exceptional contributions to the society. Under his leadership, the journal experienced tremendous growth in both quantity and quality. During his term, the annual submission of manuscripts saw a more than 20% increase, and as a result, the journal expanded from nine issues per year to twelve.
The journal’s reputation has also been steadily growing. During Fang’s term as editor, the impact factor, known as the popularity score, doubled from 2.063 in 2012 to 4.432 in 2017. In addition, both the eigenfactor score and the article influence score, known as the reputation scores, have been steadily increasing. The journal is now regarded as one of the premier publications in telecommunications.