Winners Announced for Fall Senior Design Expo

Top 5 teams from the Senior Design Expo

Fall Senior Design Expo began, as usual, with a crowded NEB atrium and a crush of students displaying their projects. On the morning of Dec. 5, a total of 36 student teams displayed their projects throughout the lobby, explaining details to curious onlookers and colleagues. It was not uncommon to hear from students that final fixes to their projects had been applied just minutes before the expo began. Generally, students seemed exhausted but exhilarated.

After the initial round of judging was complete, Dr. Karl Gugel announced the top five projects as Senior Design instructors Mike Stapleton and Eric Leibner looked on. The five finalist teams took their projects upstairs to various labs in NEB to undergo the final round of judging. The judging to rank the top five projects was done by ECE Florida dignitaries: Bill Troner, BSEE ’80 Engineering, JD ’84 Law and Dean’s Advisory Board (DAB) Member; Mark Jager, BSEE ’84 and DAB Member; and Dr. Leon Couch, Ph.D. ECE ’68 and Emeritus Faculty. Each team spent ten minutes with the judging panel, explaining the technology behind their projects and fielding questions. After a great deal of careful deliberation, the results were as follows:

Ranking Team Name Student(s) Project Title
1 Cap Coin William Rodgriguez & Noah Zinn Quarter Sorter
2 Wonderous Waveforms Adam Franklin & Marco Vazquez Digital Storage Oscilloscope
3 Gator Guitar James Abernathy & Jeremy Prieto Analog Guitar Turned MIDI Controller
4 Solo JK John Kearney Portascope
5 WSHTF Britton Chesley & Robert Burwell Persistence of Vision Display