IEEE–EDS Distinguished Lecturer and UF alumnus
Professor Adelmo Ortiz-Conde
Solid State Electronics Laboratory, Simón Bolívar University, Caracas-Venezuela
Wednesday June 13, 11 a.m.
Larsen 234
“On Diode and Solar Cell equivalent circuit model lumped parameter extraction procedures”
We review and critically compared the main parameter extraction methods for diode and solar cell models. The comparisons are done by classifying these methods according to their corresponding lumped parameter equivalent circuit models: single-exponential, double-exponential, multiple-exponential, with and without series and parallel resistances. The best method for any particular application depends on the appropriateness of the lumped parameter equivalent circuit used to model the real device. For example, multi-exponential models are needed when single-exponential equation is insufficient to model all significant conduction mechanisms observed in many real devices. Multi-exponential models have also been successfully used to describe post-breakdown current–voltage characteristics in MOSFETs. In general, we recommend methods based on many data points, using for example numerical integration or optimization, as a means to reduce the extraction uncertainties arising from measurement noise.
Adelmo Ortiz-Conde was born in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1956. He received the professional Electronics Engineer degree from Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB), Caracas, Venezuela, in 1979 and the M.E. and Ph.D. from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1982 and 1985, respectively. His doctoral research, under the guidance of Prof. J. G. Fossum, was on the Effects of Grain Boundaries in SOI MOSFET’s. From 1979 to 1980, he served as an instructor in the Electronics Department at USB. In 1985, he joined the technical Staff of Bell Laboratories, Reading, PA, where he was engaged in the development of high voltage integrated circuits. Since 1987 he returned to the Electronics Department at USB where he was promoted to Full Professor in 1995. He was on sabbatical leave at Florida International University (FIU), Miami, from September to December 1993, and at University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, from January to August 1994, and again from July to December 1998. He also was on sabbatical leave at “Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados” (CINVESTAV) National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico City, Mexico, from October 2000 to February 2001.
Dr. Ortiz-Conde has co-authored one textbook, Analysis and Design of MOSFETs: Modeling, Simulation and Parameter Extraction (2012 Springer reprint of the original 1st ed. 1998, ), over 160 international technical journal and conference articles (including 15 invited review articles). His present research interests include the modeling and parameter extraction of semiconductor devices. Dr. Ortiz-Conde is an EDS Distinguished Lecturer and the Chair of IEEE’s CAS/ED Venezuelan Chapter. He is editor of IEEE Electron Device Letters in the area of Silicon Devices and Technology. He was the Region 9 Editor of IEEE EDS Newsletter from 2000 to 2005. He is a Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of various technical journals: Microelectronics and Reliability,“Universidad Ciencia y Tecnología” and “Revista Ingeniería UC”. He regularly serves as reviewer of several international journals and he was the General Chairperson of the first IEEE International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits, and Systems (ICCDCS) in 1995, Technical Chairperson of the second, fourth and fifth editions of this conference in 1998, 2002 and 2004 respectively, and the Chairperson of the Steering Committee in 2000.