Seminar: Philip Feng

“Emerging Semiconductor Nanoscale Devices and Systems for Classical and Quantum Information Processing”
Dr. Philip Feng
Thursday, Feb. 7 @ 11:45 am, LAR 310


Emerging semiconductors, ranging from atomic layer semiconducting crystals (such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and black phosphorus) to wide and ultrawide bandgap materials (such as SiC and Ga2O3), along with their heterostructures, offer compelling new platforms for electronic, photonic devices and transducers, where the unconventional and unique properties of these crystals can be harnessed for engineering both classical and quantum signal processing and sensing schemes.  In this presentation, Dr. Feng will describe some of his research group’s latest endeavors and results on advancing solid-state device physics and engineering, by employing some of these emerging semiconductors. In the classical domain, his group builds atomically thin transistors, optoelectronic devices, and a new class of nanoscale transducers, 2D nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), all enabled by 2D semiconductors and their van der Waals heterostructures. They demonstrate how the unconventional properties of these structures and their internal strong coupling effects have led to novel transistors and logic circuits, optoelectronic devices, and resonant NEMS transducers with remarkably broad dynamic range and electrical tunability, as well as discoveries of new phenomena, device functions, and sensing modalities. Toward quantum engineering, atomistic defects in SiC and emerging 2D crystals support single-photon quantum emitters which are promising for enabling quantum bits (qubits) at room temperature. Built on our recent attainments in SiC photonics and 2D devices, his group explores such platforms and heterogeneous integration, toward realizing quantum transduction and information processing in chip-scale integrated systems.



Philip Feng is currently the Theodore L. & Dana J. Schroeder Associate Professor in EECS at Case School of Engineering, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). His group’s research is primarily focused on emerging semiconductor devices and integrated systems. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 2007. He was an invited participant at the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) 2013 U.S. Frontier of Engineering (USFOE) Symposium. Subsequently, he was selected to receive the NAE Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) Award in 2014. His recent awards include the NSF CAREER Award, 4 Best Paper Awards (with his advisees, at IEEE and American Vacuum Society (AVS) conferences), a university-wide T. Keith Glennan Fellowship, the Case School of Engineering Graduate Teaching Award (2014) and the Case School of Engineering Research Award (2015). A Senior Member of IEEE, he has served on the Technical Program Committees (TPC) and as Track/Session Chairs for IEEE IEDM, IEEE MEMS, Transducers, IEEE IFCS, IEEE SENSORS, IEEE NANO, etc., and as the MEMS/NEMS Chair for AVS’ 61stto 63rdInt. Symposia. Currently, he is also serving as a co-organizer and technical program chair for SiC Materials & Devices Workshop.