Seminar: Yao Zhu

“Accelerating MEMS Prototyping with ScAlN Piezoelectric Thin Film Platforms”
Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 1:30pm
MALA 5050
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Scandium Aluminium Nitride (ScAlN) is a promising piezoelectric material with outstanding features such as CMOS BEOL compatible, low loss at high frequency, as well as customizable coupling coefficient with varying scandium concentrations. This presentation addresses the challenges inherent in ScAlN thin film technology development, showcasing the adaptability of ScAlN MEMS platforms for cutting-edge applications. Join us to explore how our technology and collaborative models can accelerate the commercialization of your piezoMEMS innovations.


Dr. Yao Zhu is the head of the MEMS department at the Institute of Microelectronics (IME), A*STAR Singapore. Her current research interests include MEMS devices for sensing, actuating and wireless communication applications. Dr. Zhu received her Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University in 2015. She is actively involved in IEEE societies, serving as associate editor for IEEE MEMS Journal, committee member of IEEE Solid State Circuit Society Singapore Chapter & IEEE Nanotechnology Technical Council, technical committee member of IEEE IEDM 2023-2024, IEEE UFFC-JS 2024, IEEE Sensors 2024 and IEEE MEMS 2022-2023. She was the recipient of SEMI MEMS & Sensors Industry Group Emerging Leaders Awards in 2022.