ECE Florida wants EE Freshman to know that we are offering a 2-credit ECE freshmen design course for the spring 2018, EGN1935 ECE Adventures section 1941. Students get a closer look into some of the prominent fields of ECE applications such as:
- biomedical
- energy
- audio
- computers
While EGN1935 presents lectures by experienced students and professors within the department, it also provides critical get hands-on experience through labs, including an element the students must design themselves. The course will meet once a week; each class will either be a lecture or a lab as laid out in the weekly schedule. Grades are based on attendance and class participation, and there will be no exams.
Instead of focusing on robotics like the previous incarnation of the course, the spring course will run exciting hands-on labs in biomedical, energy, computers, automobiles, and audio. Enrollment is limited, so be sure to register immediately, before the class fills up!
Questions? Problems registering for the class? Email the EE Advisor, Nicole Young, at for assistance.