“Limitations of Renewables and Baseload Energy Sources”
Friday, June 19
10:30 am to 1:30 pm
Abundant energy is the basis for advanced societies. America succeeded only because of a coal base that drove our manufacturing machines, and we are now adding the increased national power needed to drive our computers. We are being squeezed by two forces. The first is that our coal and oil burning does inflict lethal (yes, lethal) damage. The second is that coal and oil have finite resource lifetimes. They are a fixed resource that we burn huge amounts of by the minute.
This talk is about energy options. Renewables or baseloads, or both? We will evaluate twelve ways that we generate electricity and their suitability. What are the pluses and minuses? There is a logical path, and that is the focus of this talk and the book. We are hindered in the U.S. by a lack of national energy policy, something that countries such as China possess. My fifth book “Limitations of Renewables and Baseload Energy Sources” will be offered free of charge to the public.
This talk is presented by the IEEE Power & Energy Society. Registration and further information is available at the IEEE Events Site. There is no charge for students or IEEE members, and there is a $40 fee for non-members.
See the Flyer for more information.
Dr. Charles Hawkins is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico and an Affiliate Professor at ECE Florida. His research and graduate teaching was in IC test engineering, reliability, and failure analysis. He has also worked with the CMOS IC Development Group at Sandia National Lab in New Mexico for 20 years and did on-site research at Intel, AMD, Philips Research Labs, Signetics, and Qualcomm.