“Lifelong Machine Learning and Reasoning”
Friday, Feb. 25 at 1:00pm
Via Zoom
Email communications@ece.ufl.edu for Zoom info
Lifelong Machine Learning (or Continual Learning) considers intelligent systems that learn many tasks over a lifetime, consolidating the knowledge they have learned and transferring that knowledge to more accurately learn new tasks. This talk will review the basic concepts of Transfer Learning, Consolidation and Lifelong Machine Learning. We will show how deep learning has proven the value of developing internal representations and rich feature sets from unsupervised learning as well as supervised multiple task learning (MTL). We will review context-sensitive MTL and show how it can be used to develop deep Lifelong Machine Learning systems that can learn diverse families of functions and train architectures with multiple input/output modalities. Finally, we will discuss how Lifelong Machine Learning is providing insights into how to develop common knowledge representation for Learning to Reason.
Dr. Daniel Silver is a professor in and former director of the Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. He is the founder and Director of the Acadia Institute for Data Analytics and leads the Lifelong Machine Learning and Reasoning research group at Acadia. He completed a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, in June, 2000. Dr. Silver’s research focuses on advanced methods of machine learning and their application in data analytics, intelligent agents and adaptive systems. He has authored over 70 refereed journal or conference papers, 38 industry project reports and delivered associated talks in Canada, USA, Mexico, Europe and China. He has received a number of awards including the FLAIRS-2016 and CASCON-2017 best paper awards. From 2007-09, he was the president of the Canadian Society of Computational Studies of Intelligence (now the Canadian AI Association, or CAIAC), and was past-president until 2013. In June of 2016, he received the CAIAC Distinguished Service Award and was made a CAIAC Fellow. In 2011 he received the Science Champion Award from the Nova Scotia Discovery Center for his work on youth robotics and the advancement of STEM education. And from 2014 to 2018 he was an Honorary Colonel in the RCAF attached to 415 Squadron of 14 Wing Greenwood, in Nova Scotia.