ECE Welcomes Baoyun Ge to the Faculty

Baoyun Ge

Baoyun GeECE Florida is excited to welcome the newest member of our faculty, Dr. Baoyun Ge (pronounced ‘Guh’). Though he officially starts as an assistant professor this week, Dr. Ge has visited the department several times in the last few months—attending faculty meetings, speaking to the ECE External Advisory Board, and meeting with potential collaborators.

Dr. Ge earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he was part of the Wisconsin Electric Machine and Power Electronics Consortium, a world-renowned technology center for next-generation electric machines and drives. After receiving his Ph.D., Dr. Ge spent four years as a research electrical engineer at a startup company, C-Motive Technologies, also in Madison. C-Motive focuses on developing capacitively coupled power conversion technologies. His work at C-Motive dovetailed nicely with his broader research interests: electric drive systems, including the application of artificial intelligence, IoT, parallel computing, and advanced manufacturing to reduce the carbon footprint of electric machines and drives throughout their lifetime.

Future Work

Dr. Ge is excited to begin his work at UF. As he says,

“My work focuses on reducing carbon footprint and promoting the sustainability of energy conversion systems. About 45% of the total global electricity consumption flows through electric drive systems (EDS) including electric machines and their drives. To curb carbon emissions from fossil fuels in the near term, we are ramping up the usage of electric machines and power electronics and there will be supply issues on the materials used to produce them in the long run. How to design, operate, maintain, and recycle them from a life-cycle perspective to enable long-term sustainability is critical to the prosperity of our planet earth.

In addition to the temperature gradient driving me to Florida, I am very excited about the AI, IoT, and supercomputing capabilities at the University of Florida. I look forward to working with the experts here and applying these frontier technologies to resolve challenges faced by energy conversion systems.”

Education & Awards

Dr. Baoyun Ge received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018. For his Ph.D., he focused his research on the mathematical modeling and manufacturing of electrostatic machines. Dr. Ge received the First Place Paper Award and the Third Place Thesis Award from the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) in 2017 and 2019, respectively. His work was also recognized by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UW-Madison with the Harold A. Peterson Distinguished Dissertation Award. Dr. Ge served as guest associate editor for IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and invited topic chair in IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition in 2020.