NSF IoT4Ag Retreat Connected Farmers, Technology, Academia


The NSF-funded engineering IoT4Ag research center held its year three annual retreat June 14–16 in Gainesville.

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Sandip Ray Leads $500k Project to Raise Awareness of Automotive Security Risks


Dr. Ray is leading a $500k project supported by the SaTC program at the NSF. The focus of “An Integrative Hands-on Approach to Vehicular Security Education” is to develop technology and materials to help the broader community comprehend the cybersecurity challenges in autonomous vehicles.

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Dr. Shuo Wang

Shuo Wang and Team Warn Against the Dangers of the ‘Invisible Finger’


ECE researcher Dr. Shuo Wang and his security research group at the Warren B. Nelms Institute for the Connected World have been making the rounds of late, showcasing their research to Apple, Intel, Google and the like, talking about the ‘invisible finger.’

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Engineering Plays a Leading Role in Agriculture Practices of the Future


Q&A with Dr. David Arnold and Dr. Alina Zare, working together on the recently created NSF ERC IoT4Ag Center

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Eisenstadt Introduces Smart Mosquito Cages to Effectively Test Insecticides


Recent work by ECE Professor William Eisenstadt, supported by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control, seeks to equip the traditional ‘bioassay’ cages with networked sensors which are capable of delivering instantaneous data to handheld devices to ensure that the testing of mosquito control methods is more precise and more rigorous.

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Eisenstadt, Colleagues Use ‘Signals in the Soil’ to Reduce Fertilizer Run-off


Using a novel system of custom-fabricated soil sensors, drones, and a wireless network, William Eisenstadt is part of a team of researchers aiming to reduce the amount of excess nitrogen fertilizer that makes its way into the water supply.

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Nelms Institute Models the Connected World


On the third floor of Benton Hall, Dr. Yier Jin and his students have built a massive, interconnected virtual city out of Lego bricks which will be used to further research in the area of IoT and cybersecurity.

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Nelms Institute for the Connected World


The University of Florida has announced a new resource for the design, development and testing of state-of-the-art IoT systems: The Warren B. Nelms Institute for the Connected World.

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