MIL Needs Your Help to Defend RobotX World Championship


Machine Intelligence Lab (MIL) students are looking for assistance in getting to Hawaii to defend their Maritime RobotX World Championship.

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Morgan Thomas & GRiP Lab: Finding Time to Help


Somehow, in the midst of her rigorous EE coursework, Morgan Thomas finds the time to serve as the electrical design lead for Generational Relief in Prosthetics (GRiP), a student group which provides 3D-printed custom-designed video game controllers to people with limb differences.

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ECE PhD Student Receives Microsoft Research Grant


PhD student Francesco Pittaluga has received a Microsoft Dissertation Grant for his dissertation, “Privacy Preserving Computational Cameras.”

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ECE Florida Team Emerges as Finalist in Dell AI Challenge


A team of ECE Florida graduate students has emerged as finalists at the first ever Dell EMC AI challenge.

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ECE Florida to Launch Hardware & Systems Security Certificate


Students and professionals alike will be able to become experts in the field of hardware security beginning in January 2019 with the launch of ECE Florida’s new Hardware and Systems Security (HSS) certificate.

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Learn LabVIEW for Free June 25-29


UF students and faculty will have the opportunity of attending a five-day immersive course teaching the fundamentals of LabView, June 25-29 in the New Engineering Building (NEB). The course normally costs $3500 but will be offered for free to UF students.

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Spring Senior Design Expo


The Spring Senior Design Expo for 2018, held on April 26, was a rousing success. Senior Design students began the day showcasing their projects in the NEB Lobby at 11:00, while students, faculty, and interested onlookers explored.

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Freshman Design Course Gives EE Students a Hands-On Experience


ECE Florida wants EE Freshman to know that we are offering a 2-credit ECE freshmen design course for the spring 2018, EGN1935 ECE Adventures section 1941.

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Fall 2017 Senior Design Expo Recap


The Senior Design Expo for 2017, held on Dec. 7, was a rousing success. Senior Design students began the day showcasing their projects in the NEB Lobby at 11:00, while students, faculty, and interested onlookers explored. Final judging took place later in the afternoon.

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EE and CE Students Showcase Their Work at Senior Design Expo


Senior Design 2 Expo 2017 is Thursday, Dec. 7 at 1:00 p.m., in the NEB Lobby.

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ECE Florida Shines at Recent Entomology Conference


As part of the recent ESA Entomology 2017 Conference in Denver, ECE PhD student Barukh Rohde helped to organize and moderate a section symposium: “Entomological Engineering: Tracking, Stimulation, and Detection of Insects.” The symposium brought electrical engineering and entomology together, highlighting how naturally electrical engineering can collaborate with other disciplines. Entomology in particular benefits from […]

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Spring Deep Learning Workshop for International Undergraduate Students


The Deep Learning Workshop for International Undergraduate Students will be held Jan. 21 through Feb. 11 of 2018. The application deadline is Dec. 1, 2017.

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ECE PhD Student Wins Two Prestigious Awards


Congratulations are due to Seahee Hwangbo, an ECE Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Yong-Kyu Yoon, who has been awarded two prestigious awards.

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NaviGator Team Wins 1st Place at RobotX AMS International Challenge


Twenty students under the direction of Dr. Eric Schwartz took first place in the international Maritime RobotX Challenge (link is external) in Oahu, Hawaii in December.

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David Ojika Awarded $20K Research Award by Microsoft


Ojika, a fourth-year computer engineering Ph.D. candidate at the University of Florida, was recently notified of his being awarded a $20K Microsoft Azure Research Award. He received his first master’s degree in electrical engineering from California State University Los Angeles and a second in computer engineering from the University of Florida. He is also an XSEDE Student Campus Champion.

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